The Us territory of Puerto Rico is many things. It'southward abode toSan Juan, the third oldest capital of the Americas (founded in 1521!), it's bursting with beaches, there are lush rainforests to explore, and the food scene is insane. It's a Caribbean paradise…

… Or is it? Puerto Rico has a vert high firearm-related homicide rate, and victims are almost always something to do with gangs. A recent gang state of war didn't stop the problem, which has grown steadily more widespread. Also, there are devastating hurricanes.

At that place's a lot of potential danger in Puerto Rico, which is probably why yous're wondering, "Is Puerto Rico safe?"

Not to worry, we have created this epic condom guide filled with safety tips to help you travel smart.

From whether or not information technology'due south safe to drive in Puerto Rico, tips for solo female person travellers in Puerto Rico – even tackling whether you should take your kids to Puerto Rico, to showtime-time solo traveller planning a trip to Puerto Rico, no need to worry, it'southward all covered in our handy guide.

Table of Contents Show

  • How Safe is Puerto Rico? (Our take)
  • Is it Rubber to Visit Puerto Rico Correct Now?
  • Safest Places in Puerto Rico
  • 15 Pinnacle Safety Tips for Traveling to Puerto Rico
  • Is it condom to travel Puerto Rico lonely?
  • Is it safe for solo female travellers in Puerto Rico?
  • More on Prophylactic in Puerto Rico
  • FAQs on Puerto Rico'southward Safety
  • Then, is Puerto Rico Safety?

How Condom is Puerto Rico? (Our accept)

Take year-circular sunshine and combine it with beautiful beaches, mountains, waterfalls and the bustling capital ofSan Juan and you accept yourself a pretty cool destination.

Only this Usa territory isn't always that condom. At that place's a high level of gun crime in the state: the gun homicide rate is pretty high. Illegal drugs and the gangs who traffic them are becoming an increasing problem.

There is also some petty crime and pickpocketing that might hateful your money isn't equally safe in Puerto Rico as you'd similar it to exist.

And then, in that location's the atmospheric condition. Hurricanes do hit Puerto Rico and unfortunately, when they hitting, they actually hit. Other nature-based dangers include strong currents when you're out swimming.

That existence said, Puerto Rico still is one of the safest Caribbean islands.


There is no such thing equally a perfect prophylactic guide, and this article is no different. The question of "Is Puerto Rico Safe?" will ALWAYS have a different reply depending on the parties involved. But this article is written for savvy travellers from the perspective of savvy travellers.

The information present in this condom guide was accurate at the fourth dimension of writing, however, the world is a changeable place, now more than ever. Betwixt the pandemic, ever-worsening cultural segmentation, and a click-hungry media, it tin can be hard to maintain what is truth and what is sensationalism.

Here, you volition find safety knowledge and communication for travelling Puerto Rico. It won't be down to the wire cut edge info on the most current events, but information technology is layered in the expertise of veteran travellers. If yous use our guide, practice your ain research, and practise common sense, y'all will have a safe trip to Puerto Rico.

If y'all meet whatsoever outdated data in this guide, we would really appreciate it if you could reach out in the comments below. We strive to provide the most relevant travel information on the web and always appreciate input from our readers (nicely, please!). Otherwise, thanks for your ear and stay safety!

It's a wild world out at that place. But it's pretty damn special besides. 🙂

Is information technology Safe to Visit Puerto Rico Correct Now?

Puerto Rico is safe to visit right now. In fact, it'southward got a lower law-breaking rate than many mainland Usa cities, which is reassuring. Choosing the right Puerto Rican neighborhood to stay in volition also add to your safety.

There is, unfortunately, an unusually loftier murder rate in Puerto Rico, though, to practise with guns. eighty% of them are drug-related and nigh victims are gang members or somehow related to drug trafficking.

safe to visit
Detect out how condom this tropical paradise island is!

Inequality is rife between the different cultures that live here – an ongoing issue – and at that place's criminal offence related to that. Almost half the population of Puerto Rico live below the poverty line – the highest of whatever The states state or territory.

Tourism has been of import for the island'south economy. Lots of American tourists go in that location because information technology's American territory, so it's piece of cake, y'all tin can use dollars, there are cheap flights, your cellphone still works… And in terms of tourists, there are a lot.

Needless to say, hurricanes are a huge threat to Puerto Rico. It doesn't mean you shouldn't go. In fact, tourists are actively existence encouraged to assistance the country recover.

To exist extra rubber, you may desire to avoid visiting when hurricanes are usually at their worst, betwixt September and October.

Whilst it is safe to visit Puerto Rico correct at present, there are definitely some things y'all should keep in mind.

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Safest Places in Puerto Rico

As we mentioned before, there are definitely a few areas in Puerto Rico that tend to get quite sketchy, especially at night. In order to have a safe trip, yous'll need to stay in the right neighborhoods. While whatsoever other lists would include San Juan, we purposely left it out, since the law-breaking charge per unit is quite high. That existence said, it'south still an incredible urban center to visit and you lot should definitely stop over there, but make certain to be extra careful, especially when traveling alone.

Luckily, at that place are other, just as stunning places in Puerto Rico that are definitely worth the visit. Nosotros've listed the safest ones below:


Luquillo is just a short ride from San Juan and offers pretty much the same cool vibes and attractions, just without the masses of tourists and pickpocketing issues. If you lot want to make a twenty-four hour period trip to San Juan, it's the perfect place to base yourself. The local beach, Balneario de Luqillo, is considered one of the best on the island, with golden sands and great local services. Staying in Luquillo is surprisingly affordable, especially if you consider that yous won't simply be getting a room, but unabridged apartments and condos for a super low price.

Safest area to stay

Safest surface area to stay


Luquillo is like San Juan, just without the high criminal offence rates. With plenty of bang-up accommodations, attractions, and a super friendly vibe, it'south the perfect base of operations for staying safe and beingness able to see all of what Puerto Rico has to offering.


Speaking of… Vieques is actually a carve up island, only it's quite easy to become to; y'all just need to take a ferry from the main island. Vieques is easily the nigh rural destination in Puerto Rico, and you're likely to find farm animals roaming freely around the streets. If you want something completely off-the-beaten-path simply incredibly safe, Vieques is an excellent choice.

Vieques is largely unspoiled past tourism – so non only is information technology the well-nigh unique destination in Puerto Rico, but it's as well one of the most unique in the entire Caribbean area. In that location is a bioluminescent bay hither that shines even brighter than its better-known cousin on the master island. Tourism is starting to make its manner here though, so brand sure to visit soon before that all changes.

A remote paradise

A remote paradise


Vieques is one of the almost unique and remote areas in Puerto Rico. Beingness a separate isle, y'all tin enjoy empty beaches, untouched nature, and some of the nigh friendly locals you'll ever come up across.


Dorado is right in the heart of Puerto Rico's North Coast. Nolos Morales Park and Embankment is the largest public park in Puerto Rico but is largely a secret kept for locals. The unspoiled beaches, vast wood lands, and gorgeous rocky scenery brand this a perfect retreat for those that really want to go away from it all.

Inside Dorado, you volition also observe some great family-friendly attractions and welcoming locals. For this reason, we think this is another super safe place to visit. It's also quite close to San Juan. Those looking for something off-the-browbeaten-path will enjoy the local culture, which has largely been untouched by the tourism industry.

Peaceful getaway


Peaceful getaway


Dorado is another very safe metropolis in Puerto Rico. Platonic for families and travelers that desire to bask a bit of local civilisation, Dorado tin be considered a real subconscious precious stone for visitors and locals alike. It's off-the-beaten-path, just definitely worth the visit.

Places to avoid in Puerto Rico

Drug trafficking and gang-related crimes are still a problem in Puerto Rico. Equally we mentioned above, not all areas are rubber for visitors. We'd definitely advise caution in certain areas, due east.g. in and effectually San Juan where most criminal offence on the island takes place. In that location's also:

  • Louis Lloren Torres (a public housing complex)
  • Pinones
  • Parque de la Palomas
  • Santruce
  • Puerta de Tierra
  • And parts of La Perla

These places are non safe at night so avert them completely or if you lot have to, explore them with a guide or a big group of people. Always proceed your eyes open up and stay enlightened of your environs.

Puerto Rico Travel Insurance

Have fun in Puerto Rico, but take it from us, overseas medical care and canceled flights tin exist seriously expensive – insurance tin can, therefore, be a life-saver.

Travel mishaps can and exercise happen and it is well worth thinking about insurance before you exit dwelling house.

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fifteen Meridian Safety Tips for Traveling to Puerto Rico

You might recall that Puerto Rico is a no-no. Simply it'south actually really okay. Information technology's a pretty safe place to visit. In fact, safer than almost U.s.a. cities – and a lot more beautiful, too. As ever though, it pays to know how to travel smart, so here are our top safety tips for traveling to Puerto Rico to help you out…

  1. Exist careful of your belongings – don't exit them unattended (peculiarly at the beach), don't hang bags on chairs or wear dangly bags, annihilation similar that – they'll probably go missing. Consider purchasing a money belt to hide your cash.
  2. Try not to expect too much like a tourist – that will virtually likely make you more than of a target for would-be thieves. Instead, try to blend in.
  3. Know about 'Blue Laws' – inOld San Juan you can't beverage on the streets. Other places accept this dominion too, so do enquiry and be enlightened.
  4. Be vigilant at night in cities – especiallySan Juan. Crime is just higher later on night, you lot will get propositioned for drugs and that sort of thing.
  5. Steer clear of caserios – in the daytime, these housing estates are commonly ok. Only at night, do Non go at that place. Gangs operate here.
  6. Stay away from drugs – it's still The states law and not good to go involved. Why fund the gangs anyway?
  7. Acquire some Castilian – English language is spoken, but exterior tourist areas Spanish is ascendant. A few phrases volition definitely assist, so prepare to outset learning a new language!
  8. Watch for weather warnings – non just hurricanes only tropical storms can cause flooding. Go on an centre on the news.
  9. Careful if y'all trek the rainforests – it's easy to get lost. Have a map, exist prepared, tell people where you're going.
  10. Cover your legs and artillery when hiking – in that location are poisonous plants in the rainforest. Don't touch flora/fauna either.
  11. Take a good medical kit with you – even a minor graze can get infected in this sort of climate, so make sure you have care of it.
  12. Obey signs on the beaches – riptides tin be deadly. The sea may look inviting, but it could be super dangerous.
  13. If you notice yourself in trouble with a riptide – don't swim against information technology; swim parallel to the shore and brand your way dorsum once you experience less of a current.
  14. Sentinel out for coral, bounding main urchins, jellyfish – not nice to become into contact with whatever of those, so picket where yous swim.
  15. Cover upwards against pests – sandflies/mosquitoes. The latter can carry the zika virus and dengue fever. Use a repellent with DEET to the continue mosquitoes abroad.

Some Full general Condom Tips from the OG Broke Backpacker

Is it safe to travel Puerto Rico alone?

Solo backpaccker
Take some solo time and practice your hobbies!

If you know the states already, you'll know nosotros're big advocates of solo travel. Pros range from merely doing what you want to do, to actually abound as a person. But there are cons, of course. Getting jaded with the whole affair, fifty-fifty bored, sometimes lonely…

Luckily Puerto Rico is really an awesome place to travel solo and it's condom too! In that location are all sorts of adventures you can accept on this amazing Caribbean isle. But we take a few solo travel tips for Puerto Rico to brand sure you have the best fourth dimension e'er and stay safe…

  • Let people know where you lot're going and don't go off the grid. A solo travel adventure anywhere doesn't mean you take to cut yourself off from your friends and family back home. Tell people what you're up to, where you're going, where you're staying; it'll be safer for you in the long-run if somebody knows where you lot are.
  • Exist mindful of stuff that seems so simple that you forget to do it. If you're past yourself, there'south no one to remind y'all of the simple stuff similar putting sunscreen on, or covering up against mosquitoes, or not swimming as well far out on a beach.
  • Read reviews before you stay anywhere. This will ensure that you're staying at a place that's correct for you lot every bit a solo traveller that will too fit you lot every bit a person. For example, no use staying somewhere social that'south likewise a massive party hostel if you don't want to party, right?
  • Brand friends with other travellers. This will help beat the solo travel blues! Get chatting to people at your adaptation, make a few drinking buddies, maybe fifty-fifty fun peeps to explore the residuum of Puerto Rico with.
  • Keep emergency numbers at the top of your phonebook. In case something happens, you'll want to call someone chop-chop.
  • Travel with a sim card. This volition help you with everything from maps and then you don't finish up getting lost, being able to bank check restaurant reviews on the move, updating Facebook, talking to your family – everything.
  • Bring together a bout. This may seem like information technology's 'non backpacking' or whatever, just that'due south not true. Joining a bout, even if information technology'due south a walking tour from your hostel, is a great way to see people, learn well-nigh Puerto Rico, and exercise it safely, likewise.
  • Try not to keep all your coin in one place. If that i place, a wallet or a pocketbook, goes missing, so you're pretty much screwed. Spread it around the place. Utilize a coin belt. You may fifty-fifty want to call back almost getting your hands on a credit carte du jour (just for emergencies), as well.
  • Ask locals about what to practice, where to go, places to eat and drinkable, etc. This is the best mode to notice the best spots in Puerto Rico. Locals are definitely going to know their island ameliorate than a foodie Instagram.
  • Avoid getting likewise drunk when yous're out at night. Information technology'south fun, we know, but getting completely wasted is non a good way to stay safe. Losing your senses can not merely mean you don't know your style home, just it'southward also a good way to brand some pretty bad judgment calls too.

So in that location you take it. Puerto Rico is safety for solo travellers and information technology's an awesome place to explore, even by yourself. We're not going to lie, it's a pretty epic identify to travel solo. But be sure to keep your wits well-nigh yous!

Is it prophylactic for solo female travellers in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico solo traveller
If y'all're a solo female traveller, read our safe tips!

Puerto Rico is part of the US, and then laws and safety advice is like to travelling the USA. Travelling solo as a woman isn't unusual on the isle of Puerto Rico, but as a foreigner, you volition stick out more than than a local lady. You lot may have to deal with things similar harassment. It's usually taking the verbal grade.

That said, Puerto is safe for solo female travellers, but you should be doing everything you ordinarily to keep yourself safe. And to help out, even more, we've got some tailor-made tips for solo female travellers in Puerto Rico…

  • Men can be also friendly. People are super friendly in Puerto Rico, but you want to be able to make the divergence between being friendly and being Also friendly. If someone's attending is getting too much for yous and yous experience uncomfortable, exist firm but polite and decline their advances.
  • Don't tell just everyone the details of your trip. You lot don't always know who you're talking to and what their intentions are. Lie or remove yourself.
  • Don't be afraid to make a fuss if yous're feeling like you really are in danger. Even more so in public places. Most probable this volition stop any attending coming your fashion from the perpetrator.
  • Exist super conscientious if you're drinking by yourself. Don't take any drinks from strangers, watch your drink once you've brought ane. Beverage spiking can and does happen.
  • Every bit a adult female, you'll be seen as an easy target for trivial theft. As annoying as it is, make certain you are extra careful with your bags, use cantankerous-body straps, a money chugalug, annihilation to secure your belongings closer to your person. Dangly stuff is more likely to go snatched.
  • Have a await effectually you and meet what local women are wearing. Though yous tin can pretty much wear whatever you want in Puerto Rico, effort to follow local fashion. You lot don't take to match what they're wearing, but knowing what's advisable and what'due south not volition not but help yous alloy in a little more (and so you don't wait similar an unsuspecting tourist) but may besides curb unwanted attention.
  • Do your research when it comes to choosing a identify to stay. Pay actress attending to reviews written by other solo female travellers. If they're favourable, if people seem to love it, so it'due south probably going to be rubber, secure and social.
  • Avoid wandering effectually at night past yourself. This goes doubly for serenity, deserted streets. If y'all absolutely do take to walk anywhere after dark, stick to busy spots where there are lots of other people. Shortcuts downwardly sideroads are not worth the risk.

Puerto Rico isn't equally dangerous every bit you might call back. For solo female travellers, Puerto Rico is actually surprisingly safe. Choose yourself a social hostel with adept reviews from other women, make some travel buddies, volume a tour, explore this stunner of an island. Merely brand sure y'all make your safety and security a priority, watch your surroundings and apply your common sense. If you lot follow our tips yous'll be just fine!

More on Condom in Puerto Rico

We've covered the main condom concerns already, but at that place are a few more things to know. Read on for more than detailed information on how to have a safe trip to Puerto Rico.

Is Puerto Rico safe to travel for families?

Puerto Rico is very rubber to travel for families! In fact, information technology'due south a top destination for people with children. So naturally, the island is pretty well equipped for family-friendly fun.

There'south a ton of activities to enjoy together, all for different ages. Think snorkeling, days at the beach, child-friendly museums, and even tales of pirates.

There's non as well much trouble in nature here. Trails for hikes are well-trodden and well signposted. Merely information technology'south important to be prepared.

Puerto Rico Family
Don't you want to join this family?

Attractions on the isle can sometimes be unpredictable with their opening/closing hours. Check before you go.

In that location'due south a whole range of accommodation options available in Puerto Rico. There are fifty-fifty family-sized apartments yous tin can stay in. But make sure to read reviews before yous book – some aren't so kid-friendly. Resorts usually are though, and some have kids clubs.

Is information technology safe to drive in Puerto Rico?

It is safe to drive in Puerto Rico, but it can be challenging.

We're not going to lie: the drivers make it challenging. They tend to drive erratically, jump ruby-red lights, don't pay attention to roadlands, and will more often than not be more aggressive than what yous may already be used to on the Usa mainland.

Driving in rural areas or mountain roads is both scenic and scary! The roads can be super narrow, have sheer drops, and likewise not exist in the best condition, besides.

Safe Drive
Finding a parking spot might be the issue…

Another matter to annotation about driving in Puerto Rico is the fact that (for some reason) GPS systems don't piece of work very well here. People often get lost when the GPS directs yous up some random road – fifty-fifty a map can exist tricky to follow. Having a few Spanish phrases so you lot tin ask for directions will nearly certainly come in handy.

And finally, in sure places be careful of animals running out into the road. Especially if y'all're driving aroundIsla de Vieques.

If yous rent a vehicle, make sure that you purchase solid rental insurance to accept total peace of mind whilst on the road.

In decision, driving in Puerto Rico is actually a skillful way to go effectually the island independently. But exist careful at night and where y'all leave your motorcar.

Is Uber safe in Puerto Rico?

Uber's condom in Puerto Rico. However, it's quite limited and so it's not always easy to pick one up.

Prophylactic, though. Information technology depends on the demand at the fourth dimension. A weekend evening, for example, will be very busy. And you tin can't get an Uber from the airport, either. It's mainly in functioning in and effectually San Juan.

Plus because of that weird GPS matter, Uber drivers might go lost themselves, or not exist able to find where you lot are.

Are taxis safety in Puerto Rico?

Taxis are safe in Puerto Rico, but they can be a lilliputian expensive besides.

The fares are prepare in main tourist zones (aroundOld San Juan) and from the airdrome. Outside of that, they're supposed to utilise the meter. But don't await that to happen…

To get a taxi, you can hail one or you could call ane to pick yous upward, or grab a cab from the lines that usually course outside big hotels, cruise ship piers, tourist attractions.

Look for white cars with a xanthous Garita or lookout box logo that says TAXI TOURISTICO on the side of them.

They may be expensive, but they're prophylactic and pretty dependable. The usual alternative to taxis, Uber, isn't so well established or even used that much, which is a good-ish gauge of how rubber the taxis are in Puerto Rico.

Outside of the metropolis ofSan Juan, however, you're not going to be able to detect a taxi so easily. The all-time mode to go yourself into a cab is to ask your accommodation. They'll either be able to recommend a reputable company to you or just call one for y'all.

Is public transportation in Puerto Rico rubber?

Public transport in Puerto Rico is safe for the most function, however sometimes on busy buses, you lot will have to watch out for your property. Pickpocketing tin can happen in these cases.

Also, public transport isn't very well connected over the whole island.

WithinSan Juan, of course, there's a pretty comprehensive (and inexpensive) bus system – 50 cents per ride! At the aforementioned fourth dimension, it tin be pretty catchy for visitors to figure out merely how to actually apply it.

The information at the charabanc stops isn't ever accurate, the buses themselves don't really run on fourth dimension, and they can get crowded and stuck in traffic.

Public Transportation
Desire to hop on a pinkish public jitney?

There'southward also the Tren Urbano. This ane-line urban train basically just runs throughSan Juan. Information technology doesn't go toFormer San Juan or whatever big sights; it'southward more than for commuters.

The old trolley service is amazingly free! It's open up-air and runs around Old San Juan, connecting it to the cruise send terminal which is pretty handy for visitors.

Again: safe, simply non exactly comprehensive. Similar pretty much all of Puerto Rico'due south public transport.

Go along everything on y'all in transit!

When moving from place to place, you shouldn't store travel documents in a bag, fifty-fifty if it's under your seat or overhead.

A full-sized coin belt that stays tucked under your clothes keeps your documents and cash organized during your travels and assures nothing critical gets left behind or stolen.

Is the food in Puerto Rico prophylactic?

Traditional Puerto Rican nutrient has a load of unlike ingredients. Ethnic Taino mixes with African and European cuisine for some pretty tasty dishes. And then don't forget the mainland American influence.

And generally, the nutrient in Puerto Rico is safe. So you're going to be able to sample what's on offer without getting besides ill. But then again, it'southward important to use your common sense here too and to aid out even more, here are our pro tips for nutrient safe in Puerto Rico…

  • Endeavour not to become stuck in tourist traps. Information technology'southward easily done in Puerto Rico, particularly in San Juan (and most certainly the old town) and beachside locations. They'll have English-only menus and maybe people trying to get you in.
  • Meals in hotels tin can exist pricey – and you really shouldn't be afraid of eating at more than local places away from your hotel. Not only is it prophylactic to do so, just it's also going to be tastier, a better feel, and probably about one-half the price of a hotel repast.
  • Go to places that are popular. And preferably, that are popular with locals. These are going to exist the people who know what to wait for when it comes to the tastiest traditional dishes of Puerto Rico. If information technology'south decorated, and at that place's a quick turnover of customers, it'southward probably very tasty and safe to swallow there. Don't opt for a quiet place but because you don't desire to stand up in line – it might be quiet for a reason.
  • The aforementioned goes for food trucks. These are popular ways to get a quick snack on the isle. And delicious snacks, at that! Just make certain yous're waiting in line, basically. Unless you lot tin can vouch somehow for a nutrient truck that isn't busy (i.e. online reviews) avoid ones that aren't decorated or that don't look that clean.
  • Avert nutrient that looks like it'due south been sitting effectually in the oestrus all day long. This a skillful way for food, especially meat and fish, to get leaner crawling all over it. A recipe for a bad stomach.
  • Don't consume everything right away. There are honestly then many tasty things to eat. Nosotros're talking majorly delicious. And a lot of it is fried. And nigh of information technology is rich, stodgy and spicy. Accept time to get used to it and ease yourself into all the tastiness.
Puerto Rican Food
Safe to say, this looks delish.

Puerto Rico food is amazing! You literally must try the Puerto Rico staple of mofongo – dark-green plantain, fried pork peel, all mashed together and fried with garlic, served with meat which is an insane concoction and gives insanely delicious results.

Can you drink the water in Puerto Rico?

Most of the time you lot tin can drink the water in Puerto Rico.

But afterward the hurricane, water quality decreased in some areas after harm. In the cities though, you should be fine. In the countryside, yet, you'll accept to exist careful. The best thing to do is just ask a local if it'south ok to potable any y'all're thinking of drinking. Elementary.

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Is Puerto Rico safety to alive?

Puerto Rico is definitely a prophylactic place to live. And information technology'due south an awesome place to live, as the cost of living in Puerto Rico is relatively depression.

However, the basic dominion of pollex is here: don't choose to live anywhere almost public housing areas. This is where gang activeness goes on, which includes drug dealing and shootings.

Puerto Ricans are friendly! And if you have a little bit of Spanish under your chugalug, it should get you involved in the culture even more. And so we would definitely recommend learning some. Even if you're not the all-time at it, information technology'll assist.

Puerto Rico safe to live
Where's everyone?!

Even though Puerto Rico is office of the US, it has its own languages and traditions, like many colonies around the earth. If you lot are concerned about your safety, y'all tin opt to live in a gated community. But information technology's not something you need to do.

And then yep, it's safe to live in Puerto Rico. But do your inquiry, pick somewhere, brand your plans, pack a bag and become!

Is it safe to rent an Airbnb in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico's Airbnbs aren't just safe, they're also exceptionally beautiful and breathtaking. During your booking procedure, you'll be perfectly protected through the platform, and you lot can check the modest details on each belongings as well. Previous guests tin exit reviews and ratings later their stay, so you'll know exactly what to expect. But keep in mind that hosts can review you equally well. This guarantees a very respectful and prophylactic communication and booking process from both sides.

You'll find most Airbnbs in San Juan, merely in that location are a few unique backdrop distributed all over the island besides. They might not be the cheapest places, but definitely worth the stay – brand sure to check them out!

Is Puerto Rico LGBTQ+ friendly?

Yup, Puerto Rico is definitely an LGBTQ+ friendly travel destination. Information technology'due south actually i of the about gay-friendly Caribbean area islands, with lots of gay clubs, open-minded accommodation options and an large gay clientele. If you're visiting with your partner, yous'll be most likely not to experience any bug in Puerto Rico, even in San Juan.

Of course, in that location'll always be i or the other idiot that leaves a rude comment, but by and large, locals and travellers are known to exist very friendly, accepting and welcoming.

FAQs on Puerto Rico'southward Prophylactic

Planning a safe trip to Puerto Rico tin can get quite overwhelming. That's why we've listed and answered the virtually frequently asked questions on safety in Puerto Rico.

So, is Puerto Rico Safe?

Safety Puerto Rico
If you're into to this kind of scenery, pack your handbag already.

Yes, we'd definitely consider Puerto Rico as safety to visit – as long as you use your common travel sense. If you're looking for trouble, you'll find it.

You lot may exist worried near gang violence in Puerto Rico, and to be fair – it's a valid concern. The fact that this really occurs in this United states of america territory is quite concerning. Only the reality is this: tourism is very important for Puerto Rico. The likelihood of annihilation actually happening to you is low unless you wander (very stupidly) into the areas where narco gangs hang out.

That's the simple way to deal with that issue – as a tourist anyway. There is a little fleck of a trouble with lilliputian crime, simply that's avoidable, as well. Article of clothing a money belt, don't look too much similar an unsuspecting tourist and try to alloy in. Keep your holding shut to you and scout out for suspicious characters trying to go close to you. Your coin is likely to stay condom in Puerto Rico if you just pay attention.

If you remember nosotros've missed anything important, let us know in the comments below!

And have you lot thought well-nigh getting Travel Insurance for your trip? Yous can get a quote from World Nomads past clicking on the link below.

Disclaimer: Safety conditions change all over the globe on a daily basis. We do our best to advise only this info may already be out of date. Practise your ain enquiry. Enjoy your travels!

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And for transparency'due south sake, please know that some of the links in our content are chapter links. That means that if you volume your adaptation, buy your gear, or sort your insurance through our link, we earn a small committee (at no extra cost to you). That said, nosotros only link to the gear we trust and never recommend services we don't believe are upwardly to scratch. Over again, thank you!