What Cows Does Beef Cpme From

E'er wonder exactly where your beef comes from? Or what really goes on in cattle ranching? Or what cows eat? This post will answer all those questions and more!

This postal service is a collaboration with Beef. It's What'southward for Dinner. on behalf of the Beefiness Checkoff. I received bounty, but all opinions are my own.

I know that all of you care where your nutrient comes from. I know that yous desire to make sure you are buying the best for your family and also food that was raised responsibly. Considering of that, I'thousand very excited to tell you all near the Beef Quality Assurance program brought to you lot by the Beef Checkoff.

The Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) program trains farmers and ranchers on all-time practice cattle direction techniques to ensure their animals and the environment are cared for within a standard ready of guidelines across the U.S. beef industry. They are no strangers to raising the bar when it comes to cattle care.

These same farmers and ranchers know that you are more than interested than ever most where your food comes from, so they wanted you to exist enlightened of the BQA program. There are many facets of the program, all of which are directly related to doing what'due south all-time for the cattle and the environment.

Primary Areas of Cattle Care

  • Cattle handling
  • Herd health
  • Record keeping
  • Cattle diet
  • Cattle transportation
  • Environmental stewardship

Raising the Bar On Cattle Intendance Video

Cattle Handling

While cattle handling may seem like a minor part of raising beef, it actually plays a huge role in beef quality. BQA ranchers at every stage of the beef lifecycle follow detailed animal treatment guidelines to ensure a safe and low-stress surround.

Did you know that the way cattle are run through a chute to get necessary healthcare matters? Information technology does! The pens, chutes, and alleys that are used to work cattle can all be designed to help them feel safe and comfy as they motility through to get their necessary healthcare (vaccinations, deworming, etc.). In fact, the BQA guidelines take very specific details on what is acceptable and what is not.

One of the most interesting things you'll learn when yous go see cattle being properly handled is how placidity information technology is. The handlers are placidity and when the cattle feel safe and aren't stressed, they are quiet too.

Herd Health and Record Keeping

Herd health is a big deal for a few reasons. The outset reason is that ranchers intendance well-nigh their cattle and making certain they are healthy and comfortable! Ranchers income is also dependent on the production they provide and stressed, or unhealthy animals practice not perform well.

The first bullet point on the BQA guidelines is to forestall problems. Prevention is key, and all swell ranchers know that. There is a reason it is first in line when information technology comes to fauna healthcare!

The BQA guidelines also outline how ranchers should work with a veterinarian to determine medical care, how herd health checks should be performed, and how cattle should exist housed.

Antibody use is also covered heavily. It is very important to ranchers, veterinarians, and consumers that all antibiotic employ – in humans or animals – is taken seriously and done judiciously. Information technology'southward no surprise at that place are guidelines associated with it!

Farmers and ranchers keep diligent records on the intendance and treatment given to each brute to ensure the creature's and public'southward health and safety is the top priority. These records help farmers and ranchers to exist sure that in that location are no unsafe levels of antibiotics or animal health products in the beef that is available to consumers.

Cattle Nutrition

Now we get to talk about my favorite topic – cattle nutrition! I have a master's degree in Ruminant Nutrition, and so talking about anything with 4 stomach chambers gets me excited, ha!

Did you know that cattle have a professional person nutritionist consult with their ranchers to make sure they are getting the exact nutrients they need? It's truthful.

Nearly cattle are on pasture for the majority of their life, fifty-fifty if they are finished for a short period of time on grain in a feedlot. Throughout their life, they are given appropriate protein, energy, vitamins, and minerals and during their finishing flow, they are also fed a specific diet.

In BQA, there are specific rules producers demand to follow for what cattle should eat at each phase of their life. The cattle should maintain a certain torso status score depending on their age.

There are multiple ways to enhance beef and each private has a personal preference based on gustatory modality and production cycle. There is little difference nutritionally between grain-finished and grass-finished beefiness. Bank check out this Beef Choices infographic to see a comparing betwixt the two.

While grain-finished cattle practise eat a high grain diet, it is scientifically balanced to encounter their nutritional requirements! How do I know this? I've washed it!!

Remember that dissimilar feedstuffs are simply vehicles for nutrients. Cattle are unique and crawly considering they take "4 stomachs" or, more accurately, a four-chambered stomach.

This not only allows them to convert unusable feed into meat and milk, it allows them to eat a very wide diversity of feed because they don't actually do a lot of the digestion – leaner in their rumen (stomach) do! And manipulating the type of bacteria in the rumen and what they like to eat is something that is easily done.

And so, as long every bit someone with an education and understanding of cattle nutrition is involved with the feeding process, cattle are eating counterbalanced nutritious diets. And ranchers who follow BQA guidelines rely on cattle nutritionists every step of the fashion.

Cattle Transportation

Another area of BQA that might seem slightly odd at showtime glance is cattle transportation. As information technology turns out, transportation is a really big role of cattle welfare! Properly transporting cattle can reduce illness in the herd, prevent bruising, which increases meat quality, and is of import for biosecurity purposes.

Both ranchers and professional drivers are trained on the advisable methods for transporting cattle. There are guidelines for prophylactic handling, space allocation, and keeping an overall low-stress environment to ensure that cattle travel from point A to B in a prophylactic manner.

Environmental Stewardship

In every office of the BQA guidelines, ecology stewardship is mentioned. Information technology is of import to ranchers to maintain their country as best they can. It is their heritage also as their future.

Just similar each office of the beef lifecycle is different, each ranch is different, and sustainability looks different for each 1.

1 of the means beef remains then sustainable is because cattle are able to employ feed sources and land that is unsuitable for crop production. They can turn that land and feed into a nutritious nutrient source for us and also many other products we utilise regularly like leather, medicine, and biodiesel – just to name a few!

Managing cattle production and the grasslands they graze on is also a large part of conservation. Ranchers want to better the land and so they can use it for generations to come! This means their direction is beneficial for not just the cattle, but the wild plants and animals besides.

Beef farmers and ranchers are constantly looking to go more sustainable and lower their carbon footprint. They practise this through improved feeding methods and science, improved cattle genetics, and improved health and welfare. All of these topics should sound familiar – each are a big part of the BQA programme!

But, as usual, don't but have my word for it! Go cheque out some farmers and ranchers involved in dissimilar areas of the beef manufacture and see commencement-hand for yourself but how much they care near their cattle and their land.

Areas of the Cattle Industry

Cow/Calf Operation

Cow/calf operations are where cows are bred by bulls and calves are built-in in either the jump or autumn. This happens each year and these cattle spend the majority of their time grazing on pastures or rangeland.

Some of the calves will remain on the farm as replacement heifers (females) and some calves will movement on to backgrounding or stocking facilities (males and females).

"When nosotros think about sustainability, it ways that the decisions nosotros make every day should be in the best interest of the ranch, the cattle, the land, the wildlife and the water on our ranch." Kim Brackett


Afterward weaning, cattle continue to abound and thrive past grazing on grass and pastures with ranchers providing supplemental feed including vitamins and minerals to meet all of their nutritional needs. This operation is typically known as Stocker/Backgrounder. Calves between 6-12 months of age come here to gain weight before going to the feedyard for finishing.


The terminal 4-six months of beef cattle'south life is oftentimes spent on a feedyard. They are wellness checked daily and fed a specially counterbalanced diet to help them gain weight so that the beef is the all-time quality it tin can be when information technology goes to the consumer.

"Steve's grandparents started this farm. We desire to honour them in how we are continuing information technology. When we leave here, we hope the next caretakers will think the aforementioned way and desire to make information technology amend than they found it. Nosotros're not perfect. I don't think anyone is. The beauty, though, is in the trying." Joan Ruskamp


Source: https://longbournfarm.com/where-does-beef-come-from/

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