Shriners Roast Beef Vergrern Stste Fsir

Tiannah Day shoves corn onto a cob on the first day of the annual Evergreen State Fair. (Kevin Clark / The Herald)

Tiannah Day shoves corn onto a cob on the showtime twenty-four hour period of the annual Evergreen State Fair. (Kevin Clark / The Herald)

MONROE — Information technology was noon on opening twenty-four hour period at the Evergreen Land Fair.

A breeze flowed through the open doors of the cattle befouled, which was empty except for the animals and their owners.

But nearby, a shaded picnic area was packed with people who had come to eat.

And other folks were lined upward at the Regal Cow stand, the Fisher Scones pavilion and the Nile Shriners' corn booth, but waiting for their annual indulgence in fair food.

Barbara Thompson, of Duvall, has her routine at the fair. First she eats a bratwurst. And so she walks around to run into all the exhibits. On her way out, she has to have corn on the cob.

"People are passionate almost their off-white food," Thompson said. "And if yous eat corn, and so you got enough left over for supper there in between your teeth."

Well, today is the starting time of the last weekend of the off-white. If y'all haven't had your fill up of food in Monroe, information technology's time to get out in that location.

I grew upwards in Snohomish County, and so going to the fair is an end-of-summertime tradition I await forward to, especially at repast fourth dimension. Unlike Thompson, I always start with the corn.

The Nile Shriners are celebrating their 22nd yr at the fair. The charitable group buys the sweet corn they sell from Bob Ricci, whose farm is only down the colina from Clearview. Nigh years, the Shriners sell virtually 25,000 ears of corn at the Evergreen State Fair.

Pay $3.50 and ask for a tad of butter. That adds but enough saltiness to make your corn on the cob virtually perfect. During his offset solar day on the chore equally a "recycling steward" for the fair, Cameron Lauck used his first pause to buy an ear of corn. He, as well, wanted that care for starting time.

Every twelvemonth I think about buying a greasy hamburger topped with grilled Walla Walla sweet onions. I am getting older now, so information technology's something I haven't eaten in a few years. But those onions always olfactory property so skilful. At one stand, the Walla Walla burgers are $8.25 each.

This year, I decided to try something unlike. At Honey Walnut Prawns I bought a four-prawn skewer for $8. Deep fried (what isn't at the fair?) in a light batter, the shrimp is then dredged in dear covered crushed walnuts. Now that's a treat.

I can't get to the fair without a bout through the dairy barns and so a cease at the i-and-only Purple Cow stand, where the Snohomish County Dairy Women raise coin for their many charitable projects. The Purple Cow is a large scoop of blackberry ice cream floating in a large lemon-lime soda with a shot of blackberry syrup for $four.l.

Every 13th Purple Cow float ordered is gratuitous and everybody in line knows when it happens considering the servers ring a moo-cow bell. Sometimes I think people order the floats just to see if they tin go one free. Brenda and Rod Courtney similar to dress upwardly for their shifts at the Regal Cow and they like to make a big deal out of those 13th Royal Cows.

The thing I buy before I leave the fair for the twenty-four hour period is a baker'due south dozen sack of scones, with butter and raspberry jam. I bring the off-white scones back to the newspaper office every bit a care for for my colleagues.

Scones are $1.50 each or $sixteen for xiii. Managing director Ken Zugner said he estimates the Fisher stands sell about 250,000 scones each year at the Monroe fair. Fishers, a Puyallup-based baking visitor also offers peach or strawberry shortcake for $five each.

Several of the nutrient vendors at the fair are based in Puyallup, which of form is where the country'south biggest fair is located. Another Puyallup vendor is the 40-year-old Duris company which sells Elephant Ears.

"What do I like about our ears?" said Natalie Simon, who works for Duris. "It's fried dough, slathered in butter and cinnamon carbohydrate. What's not to like?"

Well, there you go.

At the fair yous can likewise buy fresh-squeezed lemonade, huge onion rings, curly chips, kettle corn, and — expect for it — chocolate-covered salary on a stick for $5.75.

The Snohomish Pie Co. sells a piece of pie for $4.50 and the Lopez Island Creamery offers kid-size ice cream cones for $three.

A Man Dog with salary and onions is $ix.75 at Sausage Fest. Stick Em Up Kabobs sells teriyaki craven on a stick for $eight.75. Kaleenka Piroshky's beef and cheese bundle of goodness is $8.50 and the Aussie Onion Burst next door is $eight. A broiled Super Spud is $7.25 and the big pulled pork sandwich at nearby Flight Sus scrofa is $8.50,

Need something lighter? A Greek salad at the gyro place is $6.25.

The starting time matter David Look from Granite Falls orders when he gets to the fair?

The Fair Famous Pronto Pup Corndog.

"The extra long one," he said. "Every time."

Correction: An earlier version of this story gave incorrected ingredients for a Purple Moo-cow. The story has been corrected.


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